The words of Paolo Conte’s Sparring Partner come to mind as I embark on the narrow climb to the village square “…I have never seen, a more tiger-striped, more secret calm…”. I’ve started leaving the car a little way from the centre, to have time to devote to my new hobby: writing stories for Twitter, very short in form, a summary, an extract, the crib notes of my almost daily ascents towards the sociality of little San Pantaleo.
Definitely not a metropolis, but the prettiest village in all of Sardinia. And you can’t imagine how many people you meet there these days, especially on a Thursday: the term film “set” was invented here, among the stalls that all look a little alike, where characters arriving from Porto Rotondo, Porto Cervo, Porto Rafael and Puntaldia play the ancient roles of market day.
The good thing about San Pantaleo is that no one gets at you. There’s no need to be punctual, or feel responsible for others who might get lost, or feel abandoned if you are late. San Pantaleo is too small for vast feelings of this kind. In fact, I’ve given up making appointments to meet in the square. You’ll find me anyway, if it’s meant to be. When will you get there?